The 16th General Meeting of the PACST(The 4th Oral Report to the President)
1. Overview
ㅇ Date and Time: 10:00 - 11:50, December 16, 2014 (Tue)
ㅇ Venue: Youngbinkwan, Cheong Wa Dae
ㅇ Participants: 180 persons including council members, government official and experts
and 15 expert committee members
2. Appointment Ceremony of the 2nd term members of the PACST
ㅇ The newly appointed second-term members of the PACST, including the vice-president Moo Jee Cho,
president of the UNIST, received the certificate of appointment from the President. The total number of
the second-term members of the PACST is 26, among which 21 members are newly designated for
the second-term.
ㅇ The President gave designation letters to the second-term members at the opening ceremony.
ㅇ President of the UNIST, Moo Jee Cho was designated as the vice-president by the President
3. The Oral Report to the President
ㅇ Topic 1: Effective disaster preparation utilizing science and technology
(by Yang-Hee Choi, minister of Science, ICT, and Future Planning)
ㅇ Topic 2: Agriculture innovation based on science and technology (by Sangyup Lee)
ㅇ After two presentation was made, vice-president of the PACST moderated the discussion section and
various participants from industry, academics, and government made hot debates on each topic. The
President also actively expressed her opinion and emphasized that the valuable ideas from the
discussion should be developed into the action of the government.
4. Results based on the concerns of the President
ㅇ President Park urged officials and experts to enhance disaster preparedness and management
through the use of science and technology.
ㅇShe also asked officials to expand research on disaster prevention and management to commercialize
related technologies, noting the growing number of natural and man-made disasters.
ㅇ President also mentioned that we should seek a breakthrough for farmers to help them increase their
income and better deal with market liberalization by utilizing science, technology and ICT.