The 14th Brown Bag Meeting:
Innovation issues of Government Research Institutes towards creative and pioneering R&D System
by Sangcheon, Lee, President of National Research Council of Science and Technology (April 2, 2015)
The PACST held its 14th Brown Bag Meeting on April 2, inviting Prof. Sang-cheon LEE. President of the National Research Council of Science and Technolofy(NST). He has served as a member of 1st batch of Presidential Advisory Council and President of Youngnam University. After his inauguration of the President, he is doing all efforts to innovative activities to the 25 Government Funded Research Institutes(GRIs) under his Council.
He began his presentation that the GRIs have been doing their responsibilities successfully according to the nation’s socio-economic needs and national development objectives in the course of its rapid economic growth and industrialization. During the last half century, as Korea industrialized, research institutes focused on catch-up technologies, which enabled unprecedented economic growth. However, there is now a paradigm shift towards a focus on cutting-edge R&D for sustainable development.
The NST was created in 2014 by merging the Research Council of Fundamental Science & Technology and the Industrial Science & Technology. The presenter introduced some innovative activities as a first president of the merged organization, to improve research performance as demanded by the nation, He stressed convergence research programmes among the GRIs, mission, demand, and performance oriented budget allocation system, and eco-system to foster autonomy and responsibility of GRIs. He concluded his presentation that the NST would act as a bridge for communications and a platform for open collaboration, requesting continuous concern and suppot on the innovative activities of the NST.