PACST is composed of 27 council members, 20 expert committee members, and the staffs of the secretrariat.
Members of the PACST
- Chairperson: the President
- Vice Chairperson: designated by the Chairperson from among the members of the PACST
- Distinguished scientists and engineers with deep knowledge and experience who are designated by the Chairperson (the Presidential Advisory Council on Science and Technology Act Article 3(3))
Expert Committee Members
- No more than 20 private S&T specialists who perform research and analyses concerning national S&T agenda and support members of the PACST
(Enforcement Decree on the Presidential Advisory Council on Science and Technology Act Article 5(1))
Secretariat of the PACST
- Composed of public officials from the government and S&T specialists from public research institutes.
- with a mission of fully supporting the operations of the PACST(Enforcement Regulation to the Presidential Advisory Council on Science and Technology Act Article 14(3))